Preventative Oral Hygiene Care

There is nothing more heartwarming than a baby’s smile. Babies are born to smile and the Indiana Dental Association wants to help you and your baby maintain a beautiful smile that lasts a lifetime. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports a disturbing trend. While overall American’s dental health is improving, dental disease among young children is on the rise.

While the statistics are frightening, there is good news to report. Children’s dental disease is almost 100 percent preventable. By following simple prevention steps at home you greatly improve the chances that your child can grow up cavity free. Children are most vulnerable to tooth decay in their early years. New recommendations are to bring children to the dentist for their first examination no later than their 1st birthday. Please contact our office today, as we would love to start your child off on the road to excellent oral health. By helping your child maintain good dental health during the critical pre-school years, you greatly increase the chances they will have a beautiful healthy smile as an adult.

What causes dental disease?

Many adults grew up hearing that sugar is bad for teeth, but new science shows sugar is only part of the problem. Cavities form when harmful bacteria are allowed to grow inside the mouth. These bacteria feed on sugar. So the two keys to protecting your child’s smile are:

  1. Avoid the bacteria that cause cavities
  2. Avoid the sugar bacteria feed on

How to protect a baby’s smile

  1. Keep your mouth as healthy as possible. The bacteria that cause dental disease can be passed from parent to child, so mom, dad and other caregivers should brush, floss and see their dentist regularly. Studies show that children of parents with active dental disease are far more likely to develop dental decay. So, take care of your child’s teeth by making your own dental health a priority.
  2. Avoid risky table manners. Just like you can pass a cold or flu bug to your child, active decay can spread the germs that cause dental disease. Never share eating utensils with your child or allow your baby to share foods or drinks after others. And never allow anyone to put your baby’s pacifier in their mouth.
  3. Do not feed your baby juices or sodas. The high-sugar content in these drinks feeds the bacteria that cause dental decay. Milk and water are the healthiest drink choices for your child.
  4. Do not allow your baby to sleep with a bottle or at mom’s breast. Even milk can harm teeth if it is allowed to pool in the mouth and is not swallowed. “Baby Bottle Tooth Decay,” one of the most common dental problems in young children, is directly related to infants falling asleep while drinking from a bottle.
  5. When your child’s first teeth appear, begin cleaning them with water and a fingertip toothbrush, gum massager or infant toothbrush. Talk to your dentist about when to begin adding fluoridated toothpaste to your child’s brushing routine.
  6. Wean your child off of the bottle between 12-14 months. Schedule your child’s first dental visit by his or her first birthday.
  7. Tooth decay can begin as soon as teeth appear in your baby’s mouth. Establish good preventive habits early. Remember, decay in primary (baby) teeth may damage permanent teeth that are forming inside the gums. If you suspect dental decay, contact your dentist immediately.

Thomas Clark
Family Dentistry

3410 West Purdue
Muncie, IN 47304


Our philosophy utilizes a caring team approach to provide our patients with the highest level of dental care, comfort, function, and appearance in a friendly family environment.

At Thomas R. Clark, DDS Family Dentistry, we believe success is measured by satisfied patients, and we hope to become your dentist for life.