Teeth Whitening and Veneers

Are looking for a dentist in Muncie IN to whiten your teeth or determine if you are a good candidate for whitening by a dentist?

Call Dr. Thomas Clark today to set an appointment. 765.747.9545

Tooth whitening is incredibly popular today. It is an affordable and quick technique that often times dramatically enhances a person's smile. Many teeth whitening systems are available on the market, these include whitening toothpastes, over-the counter gels, strips and trays, and whitening agents obtained from a dentist. In general, individuals who are good candidates for tooth whitening will obtain the best results from the whitening products obtained from a dental professional.

Teeth whitening is ideal for people who have healthy gums, minimal crowns/bridges, posterior fillings or minimally restored teeth, no dental recession or sensitivity. Individuals with yellow tones to their teeth respond best to tooth whitening. Individuals who have dark brown or gray tones to their teeth may be a better candidate for other cosmetic procedures, such as porcelain veneers or dental crowns.

It is very important to ask dentist if you are a good candidate for tooth whitening. If you are interested in learning more about tooth whitening please contact our office.

Thomas Clark
Family Dentistry

3410 West Purdue
Muncie, IN 47304


Our philosophy utilizes a caring team approach to provide our patients with the highest level of dental care, comfort, function, and appearance in a friendly family environment.

At Thomas R. Clark, DDS Family Dentistry, we believe success is measured by satisfied patients, and we hope to become your dentist for life.