Drinks Destroy Teeth

Trendy drinks are causing a generation of young people to experience decay and loss of tooth enamel unprecedented in modern times.

Overconsumption of sugar-laden, acidic drinks, such as boxed juice, sport drinks and soft drinks, is reversing more than 50 years of public health gains realized through preventive measures like fluoridated water and dental sealants.

From their early years into young adulthood, children are drinking increasing quantities of these sugary, acidic drinks from morning 

until night. They consume fruit juice at breakfast, soda at lunch and sport drinks or flavored sweet tea or coffee after school.

Drinks Cause Dental Erosion and Decay

Constant drinking attacks the body’s natural ability to cleanse the mouth. The acid in the drinks causes dental erosion. These drinks 

soften the protective enamel which dissolves then exposes the second layer of tooth. The sugar in the drinks feeds bacteria in the 

mouth which causes decay. Bacteria have a much easier time eating through soft enamel.

Young people should enjoy the best dental health that modern prevention can offer. Unfortunately this group also has the most to 

lose in terms of a lifetime dental problems.

The Indiana Dental Association wants parents, educators and consumers to know which drinks can destroy teeth, and how, 

if these drinks will be consumed, how to do so wisely and in moderation.

Drinks Destroy Teeth - WISH TV 2012

Drinks Destroy Teeth Website

Food Tips from the ADA

Thomas Clark
Family Dentistry

3410 West Purdue
Muncie, IN 47304


Our philosophy utilizes a caring team approach to provide our patients with the highest level of dental care, comfort, function, and appearance in a friendly family environment.

At Thomas R. Clark, DDS Family Dentistry, we believe success is measured by satisfied patients, and we hope to become your dentist for life.